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Three Drums Unit Stage All Steel Radial Light Truck Tyre Building Machine



1. Three drums(2 shaping drums, 1 B&T drum)layout,enables a high working efficiency; 2. For the whole building process PLC are used to make automatic control,touch-screen type HMI operation used to perform the functions to set process parameters, store sizes, display building process and fault diagnosis etc.,enabled the easy operation and quick and direct change of the size data; 3. The body ply servicer has the sidewall and inner liner preassembling function, with automatic length setting and cutting by ultrasonic cutter after preassembled,and automatic conveying to the building drum to applicator; 4. The steel body ply servicer has the functions of automatic length setting, automatic pressing wheel electric hot knife cutting and automatic conveying; 5. The tyre unloader can automatically load the build green tyre onto the transport truck; 6. Three belts plus one-ply 0°cap strip, or four belts, these two alternatives are optional......
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