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X(S)N Series rubber (plastics) pressure mixer(kneader)



1. Under the hermetically closed, pressure and temperature controllable conditions, the rubber/plastics and other accessory ingredients can be successfully kneaded or plasticated with the characteristics of high production efficient, homodispersion of materials, good quality, no contamination to environment, convenience for the processes of material change, color change and cleaning. 2.The turning mechanism adopts the enveloping worm pair (or hydraulic cylinder turnover) 3. These parts can be choose to using hydraulic structure: operation of top ram, material door’s open, side of rotor’s sealing, overturn system of chamber. 4.The materials can be charged from the rear door (or the side) of the machine frame and turn forward the mixing chamber in 140 for discharging the materials and in doing so, it will be either convenient for the linkage of the first and second working procedure of the production flow and clean.
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